The LWML Mite Box

Based on the Biblical account of the widow's mite (Luke 21:1–4), LWML collects mite offerings to make a change for missions around the world, missions within our church, support for seminary students, scholarships to those attending Lutheran Colleges, and many other mission and ministries. Pick up your mite box on the LWML table near the entrance to worship services and start making a difference with your change. 

The 1st Sunday of each month is when we bring our mites in for the "Noisy Offering" to support local, national, and international mission projects of LWML

Operation Christmas Child

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” Matthew 28:19

Operation Christmas Child is a ministry through Samaritan's Purse where boxes are filled with basic essentials for children all over the world. Most importantly, they learn about the love of Christ. Our director Mary Tumlison, organizes the collection process throughout the year, then hosts the packing party for anyone who wants to pack boxes and deliver to the drop location.

We are ALWAYS Collecting Items!

Small playdough, matchbox size cars, play beads, small balls, soap & washcloths, small & medium gloves, scarves & hats, small plastic farm animals or stuffed animals, crayons, markers, pens, pencils, scissors, hand pencil sharpeners, harmonicas, kazoos, flutes or recorders, small notebooks, activity books or coloring books, small games, books for very young & middle age kids, toothbrushes, combs, barrettes, headbands, ponytail holders, socks sizes 2-14, little sunglasses,  jump ropes, flip-flops, flashlight w/batteries, large handkerchiefs, small dolls and playing cards.

If you would like to purchase items in bulk for these boxes, or need ideas on what to pack, you can visit TheGoStore right here in Conway, AR.

National Collection dates are usually in November each year.

To learn more, please visit Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child

Conway Ministry Center

At Peace, we support the Conway Ministry Center by financial assistance to assist people in the community that are in need.  On a monthly basis, we also collect food items for the Storehouse Client Choice Pantry.

In addition to food donations, we are expanding our ministry with this amazing organization. There are many ways in which you can serve, such as, picking up from, and delivering food to the Ministry Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays, assisting their clients in their food pantry as a personal shopper, and preparing food at home or church for clients.

Current Non-Food donations needed are listed below.

Hygiene Needs:  Deodorant, Disposable Razors, Tampons/Pads, Toilet Paper, Diapers, Pull-ups, Family sized shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, Feminine

  hygiene items

Store House Needs:

  Grocery bags (Please no holes), Gallon zip lock bags

Hub Needs:

  Microwavable meal prep containers or takeout containers with lids,

  Tents, Bike Locks, Flashlights

Clothing Needs:

  Men’s and women’s sweatpants, Men’s and women’s underwear

  in medium or large, Sports bras

All donations can be brought to church and deposited in the white hampers by the ministry table. Thank you for your support and generosity!

Hard copies of the essential needs list will be available at the ministry desk near the mailboxes in the church.

For more information on this organization, Visit Conway Ministry Center

International Students

International Student Ice Cream Social

At least twice a year,  here at Peace.

ALL are welcome to come fellowship, play games, eat delicious ice cream. 

It's all about relationships. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16) We  are grateful for God bringing fellow citizens of  our world to our doorstep and community,  and for the opportunities to share food, conversation, and time with families while students are away from their homes and families.  Check back here for details about our next gathering!

Thanksgiving Blessing Bag Outreach

This past year Peace partnered with the Conway Ministry Center to hand out Thanksgiving Blessing Bags that contain everything a family needs to have a nice Thanksgiving dinner.  We plan for this to be a yearly ministry.


    November Of each year

    Members of Peace are asked to take an empty Peace Conway grocery bag with a list containing all items needing to be purchased to put in the bag.  Then they RETURN THE FILLED BAG TO Peace by a designated date so the bags are ready for distribution.  See Sharon Boeck or call the Church Office for more details.

Outdoor Nativity


Located on the corner of Donaghey & Dave Ward Drive, we hope seeing this display blesses you and your family with the Hope of Christmas!!

Life Choices

Life Choices of Conway Baby Bottle Campaign

At the beginning of each year, Peace Conway supports this organization through a unique offering where our members pick up a special baby bottle at church, fill it with loose change, cash or a check and return it to church to support this important ministry.  Checks can be made out to Life Choices and add in the memo line "Baby Bottle Campaign".

For over 37 years, Life Choices has served our community as reflected by their mission statement, “Life Choices, Inc. is a community based ministry of Jesus Christ committed to serving women in word and deed empowering them to make life affirming choices for themselves and their families.” Here at Peace Lutheran, we support Life Choices by fundraising, donations and volunteering. If you would like to learn more, please visit Life Choices

Help SAVE Lives!

SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2024                 10 AM - 3 PM

SANCTUARY BREAK AREA                  SIGN UP for your appointment time TODAY!

Peace Bike Club

If you enjoy biking or being outdoors, the Peace Bike Club is for you. Lots of fun, fellowship and sweat while exploring the trails in Conway. We cycle from Spring to Fall.

Christmas in July

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

6:30 PM at Peace Conway

It's never too early to help with this Christmas ministry!  If you like arts and crafts, this event is for you! Supplies will be provided and you can help bring smiles to those who will receive your creations!

More Christmas in July

Is crafting not your thing?  Well, here's the other way you can participate in Christmas In July!

These are all the kinds of things we need to collect so we can include

them when packing the Christmas Shoeboxes in November. 

Just bring them to church by the end of July!

LWML Church Yard Sale

When: August 16th -17th, 2024

Where: Peace Conway

Who: LWML of Peace Conway

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) is an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Established in 1942, the LWML has focused on joyfully proclaiming Christ, supporting missions, and equipping women to honor God by serving others.

Bethesda Lutheran Communities

Birthday Boxes

Mary B. is the director and creator of this wonderful LWML ministry. The first delivery of 53 Birthday Boxes was made on Thursday, December 28, 2017 to Bethesda Lutheran Communities in Cypress, Texas. Bethesda offers residential, community-based homes to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. There are numerous locations throughout the United States. Learn more at Bethesda Lutheran Communities


If you would like to support one of our ministries, community outreach programs or register for one of our events, you can do so through our safe platform of CloverGIVE. It is easy, safe and quick. You can give a one-time gift as a guest, or register if you desire to give more than once. Please give as your heart is moved by God's heart in response to what He has done for you, as a wise and cheerful steward of His gifts. All gifts are used exclusively for the intent in which it is given. Click here to give. Thank you for your support.