The Church Year

Just as we mark times and seasons in life with the monthly calendar, as Lutherans, we also follow a church year with seasons corresponding to Jesus' life, death, resurrection, His mission, and preparing for His 2nd Coming. Each season is typically associated with different liturgical colors in our decorations and various traditions and customs that can help us focus our worship on Christ and his saving work and life for us. While we are not required by Scripture to observe these in our life of worship, they are used by us as part of our freedom of the Gospel to honor Christ and pass each year as His people.

Seasons of the Church Year

  • ADvent

    The season of Advent is the beginning of the church year, preparing to celebrate Jesus' birth and preparing for His promised return on the Last Day. We mark each Sunday during the Advent season by lighting an advent candle. An advent wreath is an evergreen wreath symbolizing everlasting life with a white candle at the center with 3 blue and 1 pink candle circling the white candle. Each candle represents hope (week one), peace (week two), joy (week three) and love (week four). The white candle is the Christ Candle which is lit on Christmas Eve. The Advent season ends on Christmas Eve.

  • Christmas

    At Peace, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ, Our Lord & Savior! We come together on the evening of Christmas Eve to sing songs and worship our Lord. We end the service singing Silent Night by candlelight. On Christmas Day, we have worship with Holy Communion to celebrate Jesus arrival into this world as Our Savior - truly God with us as one of us! Merry Christmas! Peace on earth, good will to mankind!

  • Epiphany

    Epiphany is the season between Christmas and Lent, highlighting our Lord Jesus being shown to be true God and man, as well as emphasizing Jesus came for people of all nations. "Wise men still seek Him."

  • Lent

    The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Good Friday. On Ash Wednesday, we hold a noon and an evening service to receive a cross of ashes on our foreheads. The ashes are made from burning our palm branches from our previous Palm Sunday Service. This is to  "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return." [Genesis 3:19] Following Ash Wednesday, we hold special services for Palm Sunday (beginning of Holy Week), Maundy Thursday (Lord's Supper) and Good Friday (crucifixion, death & burial).

  • Easter

    Hallelujah! Jesus is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Alleluia! Amen! While we as Christ-followers consider each Sunday a "little Easter," we celebrate in a special way our Savior Jesus' rising from death and ascending to His throne in heaven at God the Father's right hand.

  • Pentecost

    Pentecost is the season of the Church in mission - empowered by the Holy Spirit to be going and making disciples of all nations, and teaching them to obey everything our Lord Jesus has commanded.